Storytelling with science and data.

​​​​​​​Slicing through petabytes of data to discover compelling and actionable business insights that help inform everything we do, Blizzard researchers seek to understand the behavior and needs of our players as they use our apps, websites and games. 

Whether you’re a data scientist combining the latest in machine learning and statistics to dial in matchmaking or partnering with technical teams, global security, and customer service to help build a safe and welcoming environment for all gamers, analytics and research are central to our games and services. Science and data are their storytelling weapons of choice to help deliver epic entertainment experiences to the world.
We’re trying to create an art studio—as opposed to an art production—environment. We have a lot of enriching events and practices to promote the sense of camaraderie and the growth of an art movement.
Ely C., World of Warcraft Art Team